Monday, May 7, 2007


This week. It's really wonderful. Why?
Monday was the Holiday. Tuesday and Wednesday are studying day. Thursday I.G.G.S is going to take us to Dream World, and Friday we are going to have activity day.
Totally there are only two days for studying.
Althought it's not the right attitude but it's really excited for me.

By Victoria


just_susan said...

Hello Victoria,
No wonder you are laughing. It is a good week for you isn't it! I enjoyed the Monday holiday too as I was able to work on my university assignment.

Wow! I wish I was going to Dreamworld with you. I haven't been for many years and I always enjoyed it when I used to take my children there.

By the way, as you only have 2 studying days this week you should work twice as hard so that you can catch up.

Susan H

Hobbit said...
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Hobbit said...

Hello, I’m Haruka.
Today I was sad that I couldn’t see you.
You’re a really lackey girl! I wanted to go to Dream World with you. I’ve never been there. We went to Movie World. Which is the more exciting? Please tell me about Dream World when you came back school !!